A Taxi with a View 

 Credits - Technical Informations

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Director : Barbara Nava

Based on an idea by  : Barbara Nava - Miriam Anati

Director of photography  : Napoleone Carbotta

Camera operators : Napoleone Carbotta – Barbara Nava

Editor : Claudio Villoresi – Guido Fonio

Camera assistent : Yoni Robbins

Sound engineer : Shahar Guy

Starring : Munther Fahmi, Annika Tezner, Uri Nissimi, Miriam Anati, Mohammad Farhat, Jamal Daher, Rajaie Khatez, Muhamud Shaban, Martina (dog).


Suzanne Vega “Crack In The Wall – Tales The Realm Of The Queen of Pentacles” (Cooking Vinyl 2014)

Naiwa Karam “Lash’ Had Hobbak” (TB-Record’s 2010)

Efrat Gosh  “Lirot et Haor – To see the light - Hasliha Ve'ani" The Forgiveness and Me” (NMC 2008)

Anonymous  Music Byzantine Church 10th Century – “Ode 9, Paschal Canon John Damascene”

Ramzi Aburedwan “Samai Farah Faza – Reflection of Palestine” (Virgin Media 2012)

Texts taken from:

“Imperium” by Ryszard Kapuscinski

Jean Seaton - Speech for the Orwell prize at “Palestian Walks” by Raja Shenadeh

“Sharon and my mother in law” by Suad Amiry

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Technical Informations

Original Title : A Taxi with a View

Type : Documentary

Production : Warpy Film

Locations : Italy, Israel, Palestinian Territories

Languages : English, Hebrew, Arabic

Subtitles : English - Italian

Production year : March 2015

Country of origin : Italy

Time : 73’' - 52' Color

Aspect Ratio : 16/9

Speed : 25 ft

Sound : Stereo